• Broker

    Feb 22, 2023

    ‘Broker’ is deceptively gentle in the same way as the tide is – constant, soothing and yet with a power to erode even the hardest granite with its motion.

  • Cyrano Agency

    Mar 4, 2015

    ‘Cyrano Agency’ is a clever distillation of all of those sweeping moments that Korean love stories are known for.

  • Sector 7

    May 22, 2015

    As is sadly the case with many of the current crop of 3D films, ‘Sector 7’ is another cinematic Potemkin village.

  • Troubleshooter

    Jun 16, 2015

    There is, therefore, no surprises in this Korean blockbuster. Yet the winning entertainment value that Kwon Hyeok-Jae imbues his film with renders all of these minor inconveniences mostly irrelevant.