• Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone

    Oct 21, 2016

    While it is undoubtedly just a filler footnote in the ‘Dragon Ball Z’ universe, ‘Dead Zone’ still makes for an enjoyable watch that is likely to please fans of the franchise.

  • One Piece: Chopper’s Kingdom On The Island Of Strange Animals

    May 8, 2015

    They aren’t churning out masterpieces but they are staying true to the franchise and I think that’s all any fan could ask for.

  • One Piece: The Giant Mechanical Soldier Of Karakuri Castle

    May 9, 2015

    While I don’t think I could call it my favourite of the ‘One Piece’ movies, this seventh outing is yet another fine example of how to make a very entertaining side story.

  • One Piece: The Movie

    May 9, 2015

    Although it barely scratches the surface in terms of the quality of the show, this is a good example of how to make an anime series into a film without giving away any of the finer details.