Cast Member: Dan Southworth
Blade Of The 47 Ronin
Jun 30, 2023‘Blade of the 47 Ronin’ is slick albeit silly fun that rightly plays everything just earnest enough to be taken seriously but having fun with the hokey concept of Samurai’s running around modern Budapest fighting evil witches.
Broken Path
Feb 26, 2015If you have enjoyed Sakamoto’s and the Alpha boy’s previous efforts, and like your martial arts tough and full on, then ‘Broken Path’ is a definite recommendation.
Everyone Is Kung Fu Fighting
Mar 10, 2015There is just so much effort and talent involved that I think it earns itself a hearty recommendation.
U.S. Seals 2
Jun 19, 2015‘U.S. Seals 2’ features a truly awful script, some under-par acting and an abundance of bad clichés. Luckily though, Andy Cheng is on hand to save the day with some action choreography that is well above average.