• Born Invincible

    Feb 25, 2015

    ‘Born Invincible’ contains what many consider to be Carter Wong’s strongest performance; playing the crazed Chi Kung master, Wong enjoys every minute of his scenery chewing role.

  • Dance Of Death

    Mar 5, 2015

    Chan’s choreography is the only minor highlight, but otherwise this is really only suitable for hardcore Angela Mao fans.

  • Lucky Seven

    Apr 17, 2015

    This Taiwanese outing is much more Hong Kong than Hollywood, so it comes complete with kick-ass kung fu fights and a group of children that don’t actually make you want to vomit.

  • One Armed Swordsman Against Nine Killers

    May 9, 2015

    A few moments of Wang Yu madness creep into the film to enliven things, but this is mostly a hard slog to get through.