• Just Another Pandora’s Box

    Apr 2, 2015

    Having emerged from the debacle that was ‘Kung-Fu Cyborg’, Jeff Lau returns to his beloved sub-genre of the nonsensical and it’s certainly an improvement on his previous effort.

  • Keep Running

    Aug 20, 2021

    It’s hard not to come away from ‘Keep Running’ with a feeling of awe for those involved, but also a sense that we’ve come to really get to know the participants by the end.

  • Kung Fu Cyborg: Metallic Attraction

    Apr 4, 2015

    As a continued supporter of Hong Kong cinema, it gives me no pleasure to call this absurd mess the biggest waste of a big budget in recent memory.

  • Mulan

    May 1, 2015

    It never quite capitalises on a spirited beginning, eventually becoming more of a leaden-footed drama than a blood and thunder action flick.