• Arena Of The Street Fighter

    Feb 18, 2015

    The limited plot makes it impossible to get involved with any of the characters and the sheer volume of fight scenes quickly forces them to become tiresome.

  • Perfect Days

    Jan 31, 2024

    A hard slog for some, but a beautiful appreciation of the ordinary for many, a look at how day-to-day life can have a worth all of its own.

  • She, A Chinese

    May 24, 2015

    Director Guo Xiaolu does manage some scenes of striking realism where the drama and relationships work but soap opera theatrics derails the overall dramatic impact of ‘She, A Chinese’.

  • The Puma

    Mar 7, 2015

    The film never really surprises or grabs in the story department, twists and turns signposted a mile off. But the pace, action and overall energy make up for any shortcomings plot wise.

  • Ultimate Justice

    Dec 20, 2017

    90s style action returns full force in the fast and fun ‘Ultimate Justice’, which features a fair share of familiar martial arts faces from the decade.