Tag: Bae Sung-Woo
Trailer: ‘Secret: Untold Melody’
Jan 9, 2025‘Secret: Untold Melody’ (말할 수 없는 비밀) is a 2025 South Korean romantic drama directed by Seo Yoo-Min.
Blu-ray & DVD release: ‘Road to Boston’
Jun 20, 2024Nova Media are bringing the 2023 South Korean biographical sports drama ‘Road to Boston’ (1947보스톤) to South Korean Blu-ray and DVD on July 12, 2024.
Trailer: ‘Road to Boston’
Aug 31, 2023‘Road to Boston’ (1947보스톤) is a 2023 South Korean biographical sports drama written and directed by Kang Je-Gyu.
Teaser: ‘Road to Boston’
Aug 26, 2023‘Road to Boston’ (1947보스톤) is a 2023 South Korean biographical sports drama written and directed by Kang Je-Gyu.
Theatrical & Digital release: ‘Beasts Clawing at Straws’
Jul 24, 2021Blue Finch Film Releasing are bringing the 2020 South Korean black comedy crime thriller ‘Beasts Clawing at Straws’ (지푸라기라도 잡고 싶은 짐승들) to UK virtual cinemas on August 13 and to Digital on August 23, 2021.
Blu-ray release: ‘The Swindlers’
Jul 10, 2019Well Go USA are bringing the South Korean crime thriller ‘The Swindlers’ (꾼) to US Blu-ray on July 30, 2019.
Blu-ray & DVD release: ‘The Great Battle’
Dec 6, 2018Well Go USA are bringing Kim Kwang-Sik’s South Korean historical epic ‘The Great Battle’ (안시성) to Blu-ray and DVD on January 8, 2019.
Trailer: ‘The Great Battle’
Sep 3, 2018‘The Great Battle’ (안시성) is an upcoming South Korean historical epic directed by Kim Kwang-Sik.
Teaser: ‘The Great Battle’
Aug 14, 2018‘The Great Battle’ (안시성) is an upcoming South Korean historical epic directed by Kim Kwang-Sik.
Digital release: ‘The Swindlers’
Feb 26, 2018Well Go USA are bringing the South Korean crime thriller ‘The Swindlers’ to Digital from March 6, 2018.
Trailer: ‘The Swindlers’
Oct 17, 2017‘The Swindlers’ (꾼) is an upcoming South Korean crime drama directed by Jang Chang-Won.
Teaser: ‘The King’
Dec 15, 2016‘The King’ (더 킹) is an upcoming South Korean political thriller written and directed by Han Jae-Rim (‘The Face Reader’).