• Dragon From Shaolin

    Mar 8, 2015

    On paper, this looked a winner: Yuen Biao in an Indiana Jones role fighting an assortment of villains in search of an ancient relic. On celluloid though, this is a grand turkey.

  • Extreme Crisis

    Mar 10, 2015

    While it’s not always cohesive in tone and execution, ‘Extreme Crisis’ is nevertheless a solid action film and ideal for those looking for some simple action thrills.

  • Frugal Game

    Mar 15, 2015

    ‘Frugal Game’ is a pleasant comedy that stands out of the rest of the market because of its odd glimpse of invention.

  • Gangster Payday

    Jun 9, 2015

    For the most part this is a perfectly enjoyable though undistinguished drama, but things step up a gear near the end.

  • King Of Robbery

    Apr 4, 2015

    Even though he has very little to work with, Simon Yam still manages to impress with his portrayal of yet another mean and moody criminal mastermind.

  • My Dream Girl

    May 3, 2015

    I’ve lost 90 minutes of my life that could’ve been more productively spent on getting rid of those pesky nostril hairs. Make sure you don’t make the same mistake.