• Drunken Tai Chi

    Mar 9, 2015

    Yuen Woo Ping weaves more choreographed magic into the narrative and allows the entire cast to show what they can do.

  • Heroes Among Heroes

    Mar 24, 2015

    Although not quite reaching the heights of ‘Iron Monkey’, ‘Heroes Among Heroes’ is still a memorable new-wave action film that is packed with superior fight action.

  • Madam City Hunter

    Apr 19, 2015

    Although it could be argued that there is some well-executed action at the end, the fact of the matter is that it comes too late to succeed in entertaining.

  • The Buddhist Fist

    Feb 27, 2015

    Unfortunately, for veterans of old-school flicks, the choreography on display here is nothing new, and a lot of it takes place in the dark, which makes it less than easy to follow.

  • The Champions

    Feb 28, 2015

    By the time the end credits start to run, there is the definite feeling that strong potential has been wasted.

  • The Miracle Fighters

    Apr 23, 2015

    This is a real love it or hate it kind of movie and while I found it to be extremely amusing and entertaining, I have only given it 3 out of 5 as it is not likely to be viewed more than a couple of times.