• Coup De Grace

    Mar 2, 2015

    Make no mistake, ‘Coup De Grace’ is not an award winner or even a genre masterpiece, but its modest goals are easily achieved.

  • Running Out Of Time

    May 19, 2015

    This is as much about relationships than anything else and by the end of the film it develops into an unusual variant on the buddy genre.

  • Super Power

    Jun 5, 2015

    While it’s about as textbook as late 70s early 80s kung fu flicks can get, ‘Super Power’ is a slick fight action flick.

  • The Anonymous Heroes

    Feb 18, 2015

    ‘The Anonymous Heroes’ is the kind of spectacular romp that has an infectious sense of enjoyment pouring off the screen.

  • The Shadow Whip

    May 22, 2015

    While it fails to ignite the screen, ‘The Shadow Whip’ does offer some moments of interest – especially during its opening twenty minute period.