• Treasure Inn

    Jun 16, 2015

    It has a fairly optimistic aim of being a comedy ‘Detective Dee’ and while it might not quite achieve a happy union between its components this is an undemanding distraction.

  • Tricky Brains

    Jun 16, 2015

    Of course this wouldn’t be a Wong Jing film if some of the jokes weren’t bordering on tasteless and there are a couple that stretch the imagination, but thankfully they do little to deviate from the film’s general fun and frivolity.

  • Truant Hero

    Jun 16, 2015

    There is actually some entertainment to be derived from ‘Truant Hero’ and it exists on its own strengths rather than being completely reliant on its influences.

  • Winner Takes All

    Jun 27, 2015

    Unfortunately, just as you find yourself warming to his style, Wong Jing falls prey to the failings that would long be associated with him.