• Eastern Condors

    Mar 10, 2015

    ‘Eastern Condors’ is a mind blowing mix of kung fu and wartime combat that will have you hooked from start to finish.

  • License To Steal

    Apr 12, 2015

    Joyce Godenzi accepts the lead role with real grace and, like Michelle Yeoh before her, is a flawless mixture of fighting prowess and femininity.

  • Paper Marriage

    May 11, 2015

    Although Sammo and Maggie rarely create any convincing chemistry, the film contains enough action and laughs to entertain most Hong Kong fans.

  • She Shoots Straight

    May 24, 2015

    A simple and fast moving story about a tough female cops, is told with style, if not great direction, by Yuen Kwai.

  • Slickers Vs. Killers

    May 28, 2015

    The cast is packed with the usual gallery of stars that one associates with a Sammo production and of course the action (when it happens) is expertly choreographed by the man himself.

  • The Raid

    May 16, 2015

    In what could be described as a mixture of Indiana Jones and well-known Hong Kong film traits, ‘The Raid’ is a very entertaining 100 minutes of action/comedy.