• Fun And Fury

    Mar 15, 2015

    The film sags in the middle and therefore loses it’s way, however it remains undemanding entertainment.

  • Heart Against Hearts

    Mar 23, 2015

    Not that ‘Heart Against Hearts’ doesn’t have its moments, but it certainly never develops the story beyond typical moments of Hong Kong farce.

  • Heart Into Hearts

    Mar 23, 2015

    ‘Heart Into Hearts’ is subsequently a perfect example of the law of diminishing returns, a sequel that tries to impress with its relative opulence but forgets how important its characters are.

  • Heart To Hearts

    Mar 23, 2015

    With consistent pacing, a convincing story and an effortless mixture of comedy and romance, it is no wonder that ‘Heart To Hearts’ was successful enough to spawn two sequels and numerous imitators.

  • The Kung Fu Scholar

    Apr 4, 2015

    There’s little to recommend this uncomfortable kung fu comedy so don’t be in any hurry to watch it.

  • The Unmatchable Match

    Jun 19, 2015

    ‘The Unmatchable Match’ is a good example of an unremarkable synopsis getting better as the film takes hold. For a pre-comedy Chow vehicle, this is nothing for the Cantonese superstar to be ashamed of.