• Black Mask

    Feb 23, 2015

    The action is still impressive, and deserves 4 stars, but the direction, annoying camera work and lack of real plot drag it down into the 3 star category.

  • Guns Of Dragon

    Apr 27, 2015

    Certainly a product of its time and now rather dated, ‘Guns of Dragon’ is still worth a watch for those in the mood for unpretentious and gratuitous gun blazing nonsense.

  • Once Upon A Time In China And America

    May 7, 2015

    Fans of the first two will be sorely disappointed by ‘Once Upon A Time In China And America’ and will no doubt feel somewhat short-changed.

  • Shanghai Blues

    May 22, 2015

    ‘Shanghai Blues’ is, overall, superior entertainment, but by the time the end credits roll its hard not to think of what might have been.

  • Skyline Cruisers

    May 27, 2015

    The opening does promise a fun and breezy film before it gets bogged down in confusion, but there are moments that keep the viewer watching.

  • Superfights

    Jun 5, 2015

    Probably the hardest to find of Seasonal’s American produced pictures, ‘Superfights’ is great fun despite the super cheese factor and worth seeing for the awesome martial arts.

  • The Wesley’s Mysterious File

    Jun 25, 2015

    A cast of real stars has been assembled and coupled with effects that range from the good to the poor, but overall this is still a cold film with very little heart.