• Deliver Us From Evil

    Apr 30, 2021

    Despite using well worn action tropes as a framework to pit two men against one another, the film spins a refreshing take on these tropes to constantly surprise the viewer and ultimately deliver an emotional wallop.

  • Hunt

    Jan 2, 2023

    Perhaps too overly convoluted, po-faced and twist happy for its own good, ‘Hunt’ is nevertheless mounted with impressive verve and if one can forgive its flaws, is an exhilarating action charged political thriller.

  • Il Mare

    Mar 28, 2015

    This gentle, emollient romantic drama is further proof of my never-ending mantra that, at their very best, no film-making industry can tap into the softer emotions better than Asian cinema.

  • Last Present

    Apr 5, 2015

    Exceptionally acted, quirky without sacrificing the central poignancy and ultimately very effective, this is Korean cinema at its best.

  • New World

    Jan 10, 2018

    Slick, confident and complex, much like its main characters, ‘New World’ un-spools a gripping tale of loyalty and the quest for power.

  • Operation Chromite

    May 31, 2017

    ‘Operation Chromite’ isn’t much different from any other recent big budget Korean war epic but on its own well produced terms and commitment to delivering spectacle, certainly entertains.

  • The Thieves

    Jun 10, 2015

    ‘The Thieves’ is the kind of bloated, star-studded jolly up that you may have been mistaken for thinking that Hollywood had copyrighted.

  • Typhoon

    Jun 19, 2015

    The whole production just doesn’t seem to pay enough attention to the plot or characters and seems far more concerned with flaunting its lavish locales.