• Paper Marriage

    May 11, 2015

    Although Sammo and Maggie rarely create any convincing chemistry, the film contains enough action and laughs to entertain most Hong Kong fans.

  • Shinjuku Incident

    May 24, 2015

    There’s some very powerful visual displays of violence that pepper the film throughout, showing us that if you turn to the dark side you really will become slave to its master.

  • Special Female Force

    Nov 9, 2018

    Hong Kong has always spliced genres together with aplomb, but this is an example of where things go wrong.

  • Star Runner

    Jun 1, 2015

    This leans more towards the quick-cut close ups of more recent Hollywood efforts. Most of the fights are also glossed over as short “highlights” rather than letting us see the full action.

  • Swordsman II

    Jun 6, 2015

    The viewer is treated to a visual feast that fully sketches out this almost mythical setting – kudos once more to director and cinematographer.

  • The Avenging Fist

    Feb 19, 2015

    If you expect a beautiful style over substance film then it will entertain you, and in my eyes it is an improvement over ‘Storm Riders’.

  • The Green Hornet

    Mar 21, 2015

    Anyone hoping for an exciting big-budget version of the well-known character will be sorely disappointed by this merely functional cinematic rendition.

  • Three Against The World

    Jun 11, 2015

    Although not his most important film and certainly not his most famous, ‘Three Against The World’ is a welcome addition to the Andy Lau canon and certainly worth catching.

  • Thunderbolt

    Jun 12, 2015

    If like me, you have already come to terms with how often Jackie does use doubles, compared to how much we are led to believe, then the film is worth four stars due to the quality car and fight action.