• Born Invincible

    Feb 25, 2015

    ‘Born Invincible’ contains what many consider to be Carter Wong’s strongest performance; playing the crazed Chi Kung master, Wong enjoys every minute of his scenery chewing role.

  • Dragon’s Claws

    Mar 9, 2015

    ‘Dragon’s Claws’ shows the good and bad of independent kung-fu film-maker Joesph Kuo.

  • Shaolin Kung Fu

    May 23, 2015

    ‘Shaolin Kung Fu’ is really just a series of weak fight sequences strung together by a paper thin plot.

  • Sorrowful To A Ghost

    May 31, 2015

    Unless you find poorly made kung fu movies a source of amusement then I would seriously suggest you steer well clear of ‘Sorrowful To A Ghost’.

  • The 18 Bronzemen

    Jul 2, 2015

    Kuo lets the odd moment of peculiar editing affect an otherwise slick kung-fu drama; the final twenty minutes in particular seems far too rushed in comparison to the majority of the film.

  • The 7 Grandmasters

    May 22, 2015

    It’s a pity that ‘The Seven Grandmasters’ is nearly a classic, but not quite. The reason it falls short and the reason why many of Kuo’s features stumble in the same way is the ending.

  • The Blazing Temple

    Feb 24, 2015

    ‘The Blazing Temple’ is not Joseph Kuo’s best nor is it near his very pinnacle. It does, though, offer some solid enjoyment for patient viewers.

  • The Cavalier

    May 28, 2015

    ‘The Cavalier’ is a below par effort from Joseph Kuo, a director who should know better.

  • The Mystery Of Chess Boxing

    May 3, 2015

    The stand-out feature is the abundant fight scenes that are not only exciting, but also have a level of imagination not always seen in independent kung-fu cinema.

  • The Swordsman Of All Swordsmen

    May 22, 2024

    A somewhat straightforward, and at times melodramatic, narrative is given heft by the committed cast, stunning cinematography and set design, and fantastic swordplay action.

  • World Of Drunken Master

    Jun 28, 2015

    Joseph Kuo can be credited with providing the genre with much to savour, but ‘World Of Drunken Master’ is a very routine kung fu comedy.