• The Magic Touch

    Apr 19, 2015

    The veteran comedian is constantly watchable when he’s on the screen and his reaction to the circumstances he finds himself in is simply priceless.

  • The Master

    Apr 21, 2015

    With a predictable script and some seriously under-par actors, it was never really going to amount to much more than a set of average fight sequences.

  • Truant Hero

    Jun 16, 2015

    There is actually some entertainment to be derived from ‘Truant Hero’ and it exists on its own strengths rather than being completely reliant on its influences.

  • Twin Dragons

    Jun 18, 2015

    In truth, this is not a great movie, with nothing new added to the age old “separated brothers” story and some bad special effects.

  • Ultracop 2000

    Jun 19, 2015

    ‘Ultracop 2000’ is a risible film which attempts to be an action, comedy, fantasy film, but fails miserably on all counts.

  • What A Hero!

    Jun 25, 2015

    Not quite knowing whether it is a comedy, action film or thriller, ‘What A Hero!’ manages to put in so many elements without ever succeeding in any of them.

  • Zen Of Sword

    Jul 1, 2015

    ‘Zen of Sword’ has plenty of plot twists, but not so much as to make it convoluted. Performances are good, and the action handled primarily by Philip Kwok pleases.