• Men In White

    Apr 12, 2019

    Inspired, ‘Men in White’ most certainly is, but its overall structure proves somewhat erratic as it’s more a series of loosely-related comedy vignettes than a completely cohesive narrative success.

  • It’s A Great, Great World

    Mar 28, 2019

    ‘It’s A Great, Great World’ starts out small and unassuming and before you know it has evolved into something more colourful, vibrant and involving than you could have ever expected.

  • The Way Home

    Mar 6, 2019

    A truly beautiful tale of personal growth and self-discovery that is more than perfectly in tune with many Asian ideals of family and the implicit importance of such.

  • Red Eye

    Feb 12, 2019

    A modest South Korean ghost story, albeit one that retains vestigial hints of promise that only serve to indicate how great it could have been.

  • The Ghost

    Jan 22, 2019

    Kim Tae-Kyung’s ‘The Ghost’ rises well above the attempts of its contemporaries to cut an individualistic path through legions of countless ‘Ring’ imitators.

  • A Blood Pledge

    Jan 8, 2019

    Lee’s outing in the series really isn’t quite a bad as it might appear, and still contains enough spooky incidence and unexpected scares to make it a decent timewaster for most Asian horror fans.

  • Arang

    Dec 24, 2018

    The horror sequences are mandatory to the plot, but they have been stripped back and diffused of much of their sting, in favour of concentrating on the police procedural aspect and mystery behind the four friends’ criminal bond.

  • A.f.r.i.k.a

    Dec 5, 2018

    ‘A.f.r.i.k.a’ isn’t rocket science, but if you like a good laugh and are conversant in the basics of Korean pop-culture and society, it should prove an enjoyable treat, nonetheless.

  • Return Engagement

    Sep 26, 2018

    ‘Return Engagement’ is cut from much the same cloth as many gangster films of the era but differentiates itself with a stronger core storyline.

  • Flaming Brothers

    Sep 4, 2018

    ‘Flaming Brothers’ easily holds its place amongst the best of the genre as well as marked the successful return of one of Hong Kong’s favourite cinematic sons.

  • The Red Panther

    Aug 12, 2018

    The efforts to downplay the (deservedly) serious subject matter over lengthy diversions into dreadfully unamusing comedy shtick ultimately diffuse whatever real horror ideals it may have had.

  • Troublesome Night 4

    Jul 21, 2018

    There’s enough spooky set-pieces, riotous comedy and bare flesh on show to keep even the most mercurial of Hong Kong genre fans entertained.