• Code of Honor

    Feb 26, 2024

    There’s very little action on offer and Seagal is just a secondary character in a movie in which his name and face are plastered all over the packaging.

  • Cold War II

    Sep 24, 2016

    Like the first film, it is a slick and intense thriller that boasts solid performances from its cast.

  • Comeuppance

    Mar 1, 2015

    The style and substance of ‘Comeuppance’ are in well-balanced equilibrium as neither overtakes the other, but there is still something indefinable that proves to be obvious by the time the credits roll.

  • Command Performance

    Mar 1, 2015

    ‘Command Performance’ isn’t exactly the worst movie ever, but it is a far cry from the Dolph Lundgren vehicles that we used to know and love.

  • Confessions

    Mar 1, 2015

    ‘Confessions’ balances between cold hard reality and a subtly dream-like atmosphere that convinces the viewer that there isn’t a world outside of this horror.

  • Connected

    Mar 2, 2015

    ‘Connected’ is outrageously entertaining and maintains its energetic momentum throughout.

  • Contract To Kill

    Apr 26, 2022

    ‘Contract to Kill’ earns an extra half star for the editor’s efforts but the film as a whole is clearly far too broken to ever be fixed.

  • Crying Freeman

    Mar 4, 2015

    Crying Freeman’ can be commended on several levels, as it manages to stick faithfully to the source material while providing a stylish, action-packed adventure that highlights the skills of fan favourite Mark Dacascos.

  • Cure

    Apr 30, 2018

    It does share some style and themes with Kurosawa’s bigger genre hit ‘Pulse’, but ‘Cure’ is a tighter wound and better executed film that lingers long after the final frame.

  • Death Bell

    Mar 6, 2015

    ‘Death Bell’ is certainly not the best the genre has to offer, but it is a harmless little frightfest that has a few hints of ‘Saw’ and ‘Battle Royale’ thrown in.

  • Death Note

    Mar 6, 2015

    Right from the opening, it’s blatantly obvious that ‘Death Note’ is skipping some of the more important and enjoyable aspects of the story.

  • Deliver Us From Evil

    Apr 30, 2021

    Despite using well worn action tropes as a framework to pit two men against one another, the film spins a refreshing take on these tropes to constantly surprise the viewer and ultimately deliver an emotional wallop.