• A Kid From Tibet

    Apr 3, 2015

    Without a doubt, ‘A Kid From Tibet’ is a hugely enjoyable action comedy that is the perfect showcase for the multi-talented Yuen Biao.

  • An Inspector Calls

    Aug 1, 2023

    Everything is so over-the-top and forced while desperately trying to drag all of those ensemble hits of yesteryear kicking and screaming into the 21st century. The result is a bizarre mix.

  • Beauty On Duty!

    Feb 22, 2015

    The main problem with ‘Beauty On Duty’ is that it’s essentially a distillation of the legion of unfunny moments that Wong Jing has created throughout his long career.

  • Daddy, Father And Papa

    Mar 4, 2015

    Clifton Ko prefers to fill the film with dubious comedy and ‘Home Alone’-style action – certainly no compensation for even a few seconds of Sammo’s genius.

  • Dry Wood, Fierce Fire

    Mar 9, 2015

    Taking a well-trod tale of unrequited love and combining efforts with current hot property Miriam Yeung, Yip imbues proceedings with an infectious air.

  • Fight Back To School

    Mar 12, 2015

    ‘Fight Back To School’ is one of the finest films in the Stephen Chow back catalogue, and one of my favourite Hong Kong comedies of all time.

  • Flirting Scholar

    Mar 14, 2015

    A love story, comedy and action film all rolled into one, ‘Flirting Scholar’ is top entertainment for experienced HK movie connoisseurs and newcomers alike.

  • Forbidden City Cop

    Mar 14, 2015

    Avid fans of Chow’s humour can also rest assured as this is one of his sharpest films.

  • Future Cops

    Mar 16, 2015

    ‘Future Cops’ is definitely worth a look for its crazy action and glittering cast, but be warned that the middle section may make you reach for the fast-forward button.

  • Hero Of The Beggars

    Mar 24, 2015

    ‘Hero Of The Beggars’ is not a patch on ‘Security Unlimited’ or the many other classic Michael Hui hits, but it still achieves its simple edict of entertaining the audience.

  • Inspector Pink Dragon

    Mar 29, 2015

    By no means a classic action comedy, ‘Inspector Pink Dragon’ nonetheless succeeds in providing a entertaining 90-odd minutes.

  • Justice, My Foot!

    Apr 2, 2015

    By the halfway mark of ‘Justice, My Foot’, most of the interest has disintegrated and the viewer ends up sitting their hoping for something special to happen.