• Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone

    Oct 21, 2016

    While it is undoubtedly just a filler footnote in the ‘Dragon Ball Z’ universe, ‘Dead Zone’ still makes for an enjoyable watch that is likely to please fans of the franchise.

  • Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug

    Jun 27, 2017

    Long-time fans of ‘Dragon Ball Z’ who can’t get enough of those crazy Kamehamehas will likely find plenty to appreciate here.

  • Dragon Ball Z: The World’s Strongest

    Dec 31, 2016

    It’s nothing particularly new or flashy, but it is filled with enough action and comedy to leave you smiling once the final credits roll.

  • Dragon Ball Z: Tree Of Might

    Mar 28, 2017

    ‘Dragon Ball Z: Tree Of Might’ is probably the weakest of the movies up until this point, simply because it feels like a case of going through the motions.

  • Dragon Blade

    Sep 1, 2017

    ‘Dragon Blade’, for the most part is an entertaining ride but sways inconsistently between hard hitting period action and cheesy dramatics.

  • Dragon From Shaolin

    Mar 8, 2015

    On paper, this looked a winner: Yuen Biao in an Indiana Jones role fighting an assortment of villains in search of an ancient relic. On celluloid though, this is a grand turkey.

  • Dragon Inn

    Mar 8, 2015

    ‘Dragon Inn’ doesn’t quite compete with ‘A Touch Of Zen’ and ‘Come Drink With Me’, but anything to be criticised here is a mere niggle rather than a detrimental flaw.

  • Dragonball: Evolution

    Mar 9, 2015

    Loud, day-glo and stuffed with ropey CGI madness, for many ‘Dragonball: Evolution’ will be the stuff of nightmares.

  • DragonBlade

    Mar 9, 2015

    The film provides a really fun and family friendly take on the genre, as well as giving a knowing glance in the direction of traditional kung fu movie fans.

  • Drive

    Mar 9, 2015

    If you like martial arts movies and long to see an American outing that does it right for a change, then ‘Drive’ is definitely worthy of your time.

  • Extreme Challenge

    Mar 10, 2015

    As long as you don’t expect too much, there is enough interesting action, and impressive choreography on show to entertain you.

  • Falcon Rising

    Mar 10, 2015

    ‘Falcon Rising’ is a disappointingly average slice of action fodder that does little to warrant a solid recommendation.